1. CropWaterBalance::DataForAWC
    Soil Texture and Plant Available Water Capacity (AWC)
  2. CropWaterBalance::DataForCWB
    Data for Water Balance Accounting
  3. CropWaterBalance::DataForSWC
    Typical Soil Water Characteristics for Different Soil Types (Teta)
  4. PowerSDI::DistPar
    Parameters for Calculating the SDIs Provided by the ScientSDI Function
  5. PowerSDI::ObsEst
    Example Data of the Input Required by the Accuracy Function
  6. PowerSDI::refHS
    Example of the Input Required by the Reference Function
  7. PowerSDI::refPM
    Example of the Input Required by the Reference Function
  8. SPIChanges::CampinasRain
    Daily Rainfall Amounts
  9. SPIChanges::Map
    Changes in Drought Events in Brazil (1980-2024)
  10. SPIChanges::lonlat
    Coordinates for Entire Brazil
  11. SPIChanges::rainTS4
    Rainfall Aggregated at the 4-quasi week time scale
    matrix|576 x 4